About the Program

“I feel pretty confident on the motorcycle I rode in my class, I am just not ready to jump on a bigger bike yet"
​Bridge-Bike allows you to easily and affordably transition from a smaller bike to your next motorcycle.
The journey from riding the 250cc motorcycle that you learned on in your Basic Rider Course, to the larger bike of your dreams can be daunting. We feel we have remedied that problem by creating Bridge- Bike.
Prior to the Bridge-Bike concept, many new riders only had two choices as to what size motorcycle they could purchase after graduating from a Rider Course. The first option is to purchase a bike that was too large for them at the time, which can present a stressful and often unsafe riding experience. The second option was to buy a smaller bike that they would soon outgrow.
Both options were impractical but unfortunately the only choices available.
Bridge Bike allows the new rider to practice their newly acquired skills on a similar sized bike they rode during their rider course. When their skills and confidence are at a level where the larger bike of their dreams can safely and confidently be ridden, they can return the motorcycle with no further obligation.
It is as simple as:
Graduate from the MSF Basic Rider Course (BRC)
Have a BRIDGEBIKE delivered to your driveway.
Anytime within 9 months, you have the option of having us pick up the bike with no further obligation so you can move up into the bike of your dreams. The choice is 100% yours whether you want to keep the motorcycle or sell it back to us.
Most people who start riding an entry-level motorcycle grow out of it after one season of riding.
When you start off riding a smaller sized motorcycle you will most likely develop the skills that will enable you to confidently move up to the bike of your dreams in a matter of weeks. That is why you don't often hear "I have been riding a 250cc bike for years".
Why the BRIDGEBIKE Short-Term Rideshare Program makes sense:
All approved BRIDGEBIKE motorcycles are considered to be entry-level bikes that make it easier for you to practice your skills.
You won't have to go through the hassle of selling the bike when you are ready to move onto a larger motorcycle.
The motorcycle can be delivered right to your driveway, so you do not have to worry about renting a trailer or asking an FWAT (friend with a truck).